Our 30 Questions to document Your Story!

Question Inventory

The interviewee selects from a variety of topics based on their interest. Topics include: family history, childhood memories, love and family, career, interests and adventures, spirituality, reflections and words of wisdom.

 See our full question inventory below or click here for a printable version:

Printable Version

Our Questions:

We can cover all or skip whichever you choose! Your Story is up to you!

Basics & BEginnings

Childhood & Early years


1. Your full name(s), birthdate, and where were you born? Nicknames?
2. Your parents' names and where they were born?
3. Your Grandparents' names and where they were born?
4. How far back can you trace your family history? What stories come to mind about the history of your family?

5. Where did you grow up? What are some vivid childhood memories?
6. Tell me about your parents/grandparents. Your memories of them and their impact on you.
7. What are some of your major high school memories?
8. What are some of your major college memories? Military Service? Other?

9. Tell me about your career? What did you love most about your career?
10. Tell me about any major accomplishments or things you are really proud of?
11. If you could start over... what career path would you choose today? Why?
12. What should a young person consider when deciding what to pursue for a career?

Love & Family

Interests & Adventures

13. How did you meet your spouse/significant other? Highlights of finding each other?
14. Do you believe in "true love"? How do you know when you've found your "soul mate"?
15. What are the most important factors for a successful marriage / relationship?
16. Tell me about your children and grandchildren. What is unique / special about each one?
17. What do you think makes a great parent?

18. What have been your special interests or activities such as travel, hobbies, or volunteerism?
19. What's the craziest / best / scariest / wildest / you-name-it-thing you've ever done?
20. Who are the most famous or most interesting people you've ever met or known?

21. Can you describe your religious or spiritual beliefs? How have they guided your life?
22. Have you had a significant spiritual experience? What happened and how did it affect you?
23. Did something happen to you that fundamentally changed you or the course of your life?

Reflections & Words of wisdom


24. What do you think are the best aspects of our nation? What do you wish would change?
25. What values have you lived by and how have they guided you through your life?
26. Do you have a favorite saying or motto?
27. What are you most grateful for?
28. What do you believe are the key elements of a happy life?

29. If you had only 3 words to describe yourself, what would they be?
30. What do you hope the people most important to you will remember you for?


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